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Kundalini yoga Kriyas, breathing techniques and meditations.

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Bonus content to nourish your energy levels and support your sustainable Yoga Practice at home.  

"Kundalini is knitting together the Fabric of your own Crystallised Awareness"



B  R  E  A  T H

Utilize your Pranic body to create more vitality and inspiration in your life.


B  O  D  Y

Strengthen and open up your body so that you can utilize it as a vessel for rising up.


M  I  N  D

Master your mind to create clear decisions and a sustainable state of peace.

DAY 4 

H  E  A  R  T

Make your heart the command centre to live in love, compassion and kindness.


S  P  I  R  I  T

Live soulfully - in connection to intuition and become sensitive to the subtleties of life.

Hi, I'm Surya! 

I guide you forward in the path of Kundalini Activation that expands your aliveness and transforms perspectives towards solid inner peace.

I'm a lead Yoga Teacher Trainer (E-RYT500), Kundalini Yoga Teacher (Himalayan Tradition & KRI Certified) and Somatic Movement Educator (MA), living on a small island in Thailand. I've been educating and elevating thousands of students to initiate awareness based system change.

My yearning for Kundalini Awakening and Self- realisation led me to spend years seeking the Truth inside. I immersed myself in silence and solitude in monasteries, seeking guidance from spiritual masters and teachers of Non-Duality. I have dedicated practice in Kundalini Kriya yoga, Tantra Yoga, traditional Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga and Bhakti Yoga for over a decade. Now, my passion is to bring this ancient science to the modern world. 

It is my deepest call to guide you to restore your body's intelligence into a state of liberation! 

Yes, I am ready to recommit to myself!

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What is Kundalini Yoga?

 Kundalini Yoga is unique in its effectiveness - It changes you quickly! It is dynamic blend of breath, physical exercises, meditation and mantras to stimulate body's natural resources.


The benefits of Kundalini Yoga come from centuries-old yogic tradition. 

It strengthens the nervous system, balances the glandular system, expands lung capacity and purifies the blood. It promotes emotional balance by changing the chemistry of your cellular memory.

Your intuition becomes enhanced, so that we can control ourselves rather than being controlled by our thoughts and feelings.

Who is it for?

Kundalini Yoga is suitable for everyone who wants to promote a general sense of relaxation and well-being, eliminate negative habits, increase radiance and have a positive impact on others. 

If you are under medication, please consult your doctor before joining the practise.

This free course is specially created for beginners and practitioners, who have never practiced Kundalini yoga.

Testimonials - What others say?

Annie Arcuri

Surya has in depth knowledge of both the yogic philosophy and the physical practice, but what impacted me most was the way her sheer presence opened my eyes to the possibility of a spiritual reality beyond the mind. I’ve always approached spiritual phenomena through a critical lens, but Surya’s way of teaching by example made my critical lens fade away. I also appreciated the traditional perspective that challenges the western view of yoga. Training with her brought me to the core of yoga.

Dennie van Diesen

Sometimes you come across a person who knows exactly how to touch you with their wisdom. This has been my experience with Surya.
My challenge as a former soldier is to reprogram the heavily conditioned mind. Through Surya's expertise, authenticity and congruence, I was shown how she really reached me. And it's not a trick -it's real!

Maggie Lorth

Being around Surya is like carrying 10 books of wisdom with you. Not only her profound ways of teaching that has an immense impact on my intellectual understanding of yoga, but the infinite stream of wisdom from her life experiences easily found their ways to the core of my heart. Every session unlocked something deeper within me. If not a sense of bliss or freedom, then it’d be tears tuning from my eyes for appreciation of life. One of the most powerful teachers I have encountered! 

Yes, I am ready to recommit to myself!

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